What are your thoughts on the recent events after Donald J. Trump becoming the POTUS?

Link here: https://twitter.com/i/moments/796417517157830656
How has this event affected your life?

In the United States politics is something that people feel very strongly about and are emotionally invested in, the college campus is no exception. We try to avoid imposing our political views on this site, so unfortunately I cannot answer your question.

How about how it has affected your life - instead of what your political views are?

Of course there has been emotional impact. But if you’re wondering about instances like those in the twitter link, I, personally, have not seen or experienced anything like that on my campus.

Oh, okie. :slight_smile: Do you think I should be worried about this situation if I go to the US in the near future? Are you worried?

No, there’s no need to be worried. US universities are bastions of inclusiveness and they are extremely safe places. Trump has already made it clear in his public speeches so far he is committed to unifying the country and various indicators such as the strong performance of the stock market suggest instability fears are reducing quickly.

Living in the US, I think it is a fascinating time to study here and the opportunity continues to be extremely attractive professionally and academically