Princeton Dance

Tell me about dance on campus! What groups are there?

Thought you’d never ask! The four most popular dance groups form the “G4”, in which you can only be a member of one at the same time: diSiac, BodyHype, BAC (Black Arts Company), and eXpressions. BAC specializes in hip hop, eXpressions in contemporary, and diSiac and BodyHype are fusions of both. I joined BAC my freshman fall! Other dance groups on campus include Triple 8 (the East Asian dance group that I am a part of), Mas Flow (Hispanic), Highsteppers (step team), Bhangra, Naacho (South Asian), Dancing to Christ’s Beat (Christian), Sympoh (Breakdance), PUB (ballet), and many others. You can join as many of these as you’d like!