Oxbridge application as a South African

So I’m in my second last year of high school and I was thinking of studying in either Oxford or Cambridge. Now, I know that the NSC isn’t enough to for a competitive application and that it’s almost equivalent to the AS levels. So, I was wondering where can I take A-levels in South Africa? Can I take A-levels in grade 11 and do I still have to take AS levels after getting my NSC?

Thank you

Hi Shekinah, you can take five or six subjects in Grade 11 (AS Level ) and then take three or four subjects forward in Grade 12 (A Level). There are a number of different options where you can take A Levels ranging from distance options, Sixth Form, schools who offer A levels alongside an IEB or NSC qualification, and schools that only offer a Cambridge qualification. A complete list of Cambridge schools can be found at: https://college24.co.za/list-cambridge-schools-south-africa/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9I6JkeTA4QIVypTtCh1JHQ8fEAAYASAAEgJhQvD_BwE. You may also want to contact the Crimson South African office if you have any other questions about studying in the UK: southafrica@crimsoneducation.org or contact me at r.pretorius@crimsoneducation.org