High School subjects for BHSc at Auckland university

I am a year 12 student currently taking, bio, chem, Phys, regular English (not literature), geography and maths with calculus, I am interested in doing medicine at either Otago or Auckland and was wondering which subjects I should take in year 13 to be most prepared. Most specifically for Auckland, i was wondering if I should take calculus or statistics in year 13.

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Hi ya @t.reiner4132

I am guessing that you are perhaps currently doing Cambridge? Just because you mention Literature separate to English. So my recommendations are as follows:

  • I would recommend that you take all three sciences.
  • Physics will give you a leg up for Phys160 at UoA.
  • Chemistry will help with Chem110.
  • Biology is always helpful and you will want to get the basic concepts because these are expanded upon at university.
  • As for which Math subject to take for Auckland specifically, I would recommend going with the one in which you feel the most confident in attaining the best marks.

I hope this helps you out :slight_smile: